This month, I am due to be a guest speaker at the BWC Aberdeen Leadership Conference, and it got me thinking about the qualities and traits that make a great leader. If you were to take a poll amongst friends or colleagues, it is likely that between them they would come up with a fairly diverse and lengthy list of attributes, so which are most important? 

Being a great business leader isn’t just about having a fancy title or making big decisions — it’s about embodying certain traits that make others want to follow you and be part of your vision. Whilst some must-have leadership qualities may differ slightly between industries or companies, here are the inherent characteristics that I think make a person a good leader … 


First things first: great leaders are visionaries. They see the big picture and know where they want to take their team. But it’s not just about having that vision; it’s about being able to share it in a way that gets everyone else on board. When you can paint a clear picture of the future, your team is more likely to feel motivated and aligned with the goals you’ve set.  


Clear and effective communication is vital for any leader. Whether it’s articulating the company’s vision, providing feedback or motivating a team, the ability to convey ideas clearly and persuasively is essential.  

Understand that communication is two-way street — actively listen, encourage open dialogue and talk to your team on a regular basis. Make sure they feel heard and valued, this builds a sense of collaboration and inclusivity which is crucial for a strong team. 


The word integrity might sound like business jargon you hear all the time, but it’s absolutely essential. Leaders who act with honesty and consistency build trust — plain and simple. Trust is the foundation of effective leadership. When your team knows you’ll do the right thing — even when it’s tough — and hold yourself accountable, they’ll respect you more and be more committed to the cause.  

By being accountable and inspiring trust, you create an environment of transparency and respect.  This integrity earns the respect of employees, partners and clients alike. 


In business, decisions need to be made swiftly and confidently. Successful leaders don’t shy away from tough choices; they gather the necessary information, evaluate their options, and act decisively. Their ability to make quick, well-informed decisions can be the difference between seizing an opportunity and missing out. 


One of the best things a leader can do is empower their team. This isn’t about handing out tasks; it’s about giving people the freedom and responsibility to take charge of their own work. It’s about creating opportunities for development and encouraging team members to expand their skills and take on new challenges. When you trust your team to make decisions and bring their ideas to the table, you’ll be amazed at how much more engaged and innovative they become.  

Adaptability and Resilience 

Within a business market, change is inevitable, and adaptability is vital — embracing new ideas and adjusting strategies and plans. By staying flexible and open to new possibilities, you can guide your team through challenges and make the most of new opportunities when they arise.  

Sometimes things simply don’t work out — the path of leadership can be fraught with challenges, setbacks and failures. Resilient leaders learn from their mistakes and find ways to turn challenges into opportunities for growth. When your team sees you handling adversity in a positive and flexible way, they’ll be more likely to follow suit. 

I could go on — there are a multitude of attributes that are both common and desirable in a great leader — but I feel these best demonstrate the leadership qualities you should look to embody and develop to become an effective leader. 

That said, the list is not complete without (quite possibly my favourite) … 

Continuous Learning  

Great leaders are always on the lookout for ways to learn and grow. They understand that staying ahead means constantly updating their knowledge and skills. By committing to lifelong learning and staying curious about new trends and ideas, they not only improve themselves but also set an example for their teams. This dedication to growth creates an environment where everyone is encouraged to keep improving and striving together for excellence. 


If you’re aiming to be a better leader, think about how you can develop these qualities in your everyday work. Leadership isn’t about being perfect — it’s being authentic, trustworthy, and inspiring others to achieve great things together. By embodying these traits, a leader not only guides their team to achieve business success but also cultivates a positive and productive workplace culture.